User's Manual for Digital UNIX
This manual gives an overview of the PL/I language and an explanation
of PL/I program development. It describes the operation of the
Kednos PL/I for UNIX compiler and the features of the Digital UNIX
operating system environment that are important to the PL/I
Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX Version 3.2 and
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Compiling and Linking a PL/I Program 2-1
Compiling Multi-Language Programs 2-4
Linking Objects using the pl1 Command 2-8
Preprocessor Compilation Control 2-11
Passing Command Line Parameters to a PL/I Program 2-20
Accessing Automatic and Parameter Data 3-7
Qualifying Structure References 3-7
Referring to Arrays and Structures 3-8
Preparing to Use the Debugger 3-8
Compiling for the dbg Debugger 3-8
Debugging Optimized Programs 3-9
Starting and Ending a Debugging Session 3-10
Ending the Debugging Session 3-11
Using the dbg Command Line Editing Features 3-11
Getting Started with Command Line Editing 3-12
Using the UNIX File System for I/O 4-2
PL/I Files and UNIX File Specifications 4-2
Using Environment Variables 4-4
Environment Variables in TITLE Values 4-4
Process Standard System File Names 4-5
Expanding File Specifications 4-6
Values Returned by PL/I Built-In Functions for Error Handling 4-8
Access Modes for Record I/O 5-3
Direct and Sequential Access 5-4
Access by Record Identification 5-4
IBM Dialect Fixed Length Environment Options 5-5
IBM Dialect Variable Length Environment Options 5-6
Appending Records to an Existing File 5-8
Superseding an Existing File 5-8
Relative File Organization 5-8
Populating a Relative File 5-11
Specifying and Using Environment Options 6-1
Arguments for Environment Options 6-1
Interpretation of ENVIRONMENT Options for Existing Files 6-3
Conflicting and Invalid ENVIRONMENT Options 6-3
Summary of ENVIRONMENT Options 6-4
ENVIRONMENT Options for File Protection and File Sharing 6-26
FLUSH Built-In Subroutine (DEC Dialect Only) 8-1
REWIND Built-In Subroutine (DEC Dialect Only) 8-2
How the Sort Program Interface Works 9-2
Determining Which Entry Point to Use 9-3
Calling the Sort Subroutines 9-4
General Format of the Sort Interface Call 9-4
Specifying the Sort Fields 9-5
Specifying Record Information 9-7
Specifying Input and Output Routines 9-10
Input and Output Routines 9-11
Using the PLIRETC Built-In Subroutine 9-11
RESIGNAL Built-In Subroutine 10-1
Resignaling the Condition 10-5
Executing a Nonlocal GOTO 10-6
Relationship of UNIX Signals to PL/I ON-Units 10-8
Accessing the Signal Values 10-10
Modifying the ONCODE Values 10-11
Search Path for ON-Units 10-13
Default Handling for Main Procedures 10-14
Default Handling for Non-Main Procedures 10-15
Condition-Handling Built-In Functions 10-22
ONCODE Built-In Function 10-22
The UNIX Procedure Calling and Condition Handling Standard 11-2
Parameter-Passing Mechanisms 11-2
Passing Parameters by Reference 11-3
Dummy Arguments for Arguments Passed by Reference 11-4
Using Pointer Values for Arguments Passed by Reference 11-5
Passing Arrays to a FORTRAN Routine by Reference 11-5
Passing Parameters by Value 11-5
Dummy Arguments for Arguments Passed by Value 11-7
Special Parameter Attributes 11-7
Determining the Type of Call 11-10
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs A-8
Figure 3-1. Specifying Environments 3-5
Figure 10-1. Resignaling a Condition 10-6
Figure 10-2. Unwinding the Call Stack 10-7
Figure 10-3. Execution of an ON-Unit 10-14
Table P-1. Documentation Conventions Table xi
Table 2-1. Alphabetic List of PL/I Driver Options 2-4
Table 3-1. dbg Command Line Options 3-10
Table 3-2. Debugger Command Summary 3-17
Table 4-1. Default Process Stream Names 4-5
Table 4-2. System File Names for Get and Put Statements 4-5
Table 6-1. Description of Columns in Table 6-2 6-4
Table 6-2. Summary of DEC and ANSI Dialect ENVIRONMENT Options 6-5
Table 6-3. Summary of IBM Dialect ENVIRONMENT Options 6-6
Table 6-4. ENVIRONMENT Options That Are Ignored 6-7
Table 6-5. Default Record Sizes 6-18
Table 6-6. Default Record Sizes 6-20
Table 7-1. Summary of Input/Output Statement Options 7-2
Table 9-1. Entry Points for the Sort Program 9-3
Table 10-1. Corresponding Values 10-10
Table 10-2. ONCODE Values for PL/I ON Conditions 10-23
Table 11-1. Converted Data Types of Arguments Passed by Reference 11-4
Figure 3-1. Specifying Environments 3-5
Figure 10-1. Resignaling a Condition 10-6
Figure 10-2. Unwinding the Call Stack 10-7
Figure 10-3. Execution of an ON-Unit 10-14
Table P-1. Documentation Conventions Table xv
Table 2-1. Alphabetic List of PL/I Driver Options 2-4
Table 3-1. dbg Command Line Options 3-10
Table 3-2. Debugger Command Summary 3-17
Table 4-1. Default Process Stream Names 4-5
Table 4-2. System File Names for Get and Put Statements 4-5
Table 6-1. Description of Columns in Table 6-2 6-4
Table 6-2. Summary of DEC and ANSI Dialect ENVIRONMENT Options 6-5
Table 6-3. Summary of IBM Dialect ENVIRONMENT Options 6-6
Table 6-4. ENVIRONMENT Options That Are Ignored 6-7
Table 6-5. Default Record Sizes 6-18
Table 6-6. Default Record Sizes 6-20
Table 7-1. Summary of Input/Output Statement Options 7-2
Table 9-1. Entry Points for the Sort Program 9-3
Table 10-1. Corresponding Values 10-10
Table 10-2. ONCODE Values for PL/I ON Conditions 10-23
Table 11-1. Converted Data Types of Arguments Passed by Reference 11-4
This manual describes how to use theKednos PL/I for UNIX compiler on the Digital UNIX operating system, and contains detailed explanations of the extensions made to the standard PL/I language for this implementation. To aid in program development, it includes information on some UNIX commands and utilities. It also includes information to assist in writing PL/I programs that use features of the file system and the operating system.